Saturday, August 11, 2012

My First blog post

Hello all.  I am new to this blog thing but in following the advice of a lovely individual I think I’ll give it a try.  With a background in administrative leadership I felt it to be fitting to have my first blog to be about prayer and leadership.  So here goes…

I am a firm believer in asking God’s guidance in all that I do.  Being a leader in any entity of life can be a demanding and difficult task and will require guidance from God.  As many know the only way to talk to God is through prayer.  I find myself many times throughout the day whispering a prayer to ask for guidance, strength, or patience.  As a leader it is important to remember to put God first in all that you do and let your light shine before men so they may see God through you. No matter the type of leadership position you hold, you must remember who leads you and let the world see Christ in you.  You must let God lead your actions and your attitude.  Constant communication with Him helps keep you focused on positive relationships, which is key to a leader’s success.

In order to be a successful leader there are some key traits that one must assume. 1 First you must choose to lead.   2. You must see within yourself the ability to provide others with a vision, 3 direct the course of future events and inspire others to success.  This insight and conformation can only come through prayer. 

Being a follower

Second, a successful leader must be a person who others are willing to follow.  Let’s be real with ourselves, no one wants to listen to or follow directives given in a mean or unfriendly manor.  Being in leadership can wear a person down to the point that they can become disengaging toward others.  It is important to remain prayerful that you can lead with a calm, level head and not become vicious towards those you lead.  There’s a saying you draw more flies with honey than vinegar.  I’m not saying be a push over but you must remember that in order to lead you must have followers.  You must make those you lead see their value in helping to bring the vision to fruition.  Talking down to, yelling at or being short with people will make them feel less valuable.


Third, to lead successfully you must provide vision and inspiration for the future.  Leaders have vision. They share a dream and direction that other people want to share and follow.  Successful visions come form God.  If you have a vision that is from God and want to do things that line up with his will, nay-sayers will not prevail against it.  The only way to line up with God’s will for your life and the organization that you lead is to be in constant communication with him.  You must pray that he reveals his will for you and then puts you in position to receive it.

In closing, leaders must live your values and be humble.  You’ve heard the saying practice what you preach.  You must let those that you lead catch you doing what you have asked of them.  You must lead by example.  You must also remain humble in your service to the ones you lead.  Again, I can’t stress enough how a leader can not lead without followers. A good prayer to remember and use while in leadership is, Lord help me to be a living example of your wonderful presence in my life. Help me to stay in line with your will for me and remain humble as I inspire those that I lead to obtain greatness.

To fellowship with me further please visit my site